- 2025-01 03
KSCM 2024년 추계학술대회 최우수 논문상 수상(조인식,최덕현,최경후)
논문명: 도로 및 교량의 과적 방지 모니터링을 위한 다기능성 탄소나노튜브/폴리우레탄 스펀지에 대한 연구
저자: 조인식, 최덕현, 최경후
- 2024-08 01
Luu Trung Thien학생 NGPT 2024-Best Presentation Award 수상
Luu Trung Thien학생이 2024.05.20~05.23 미국 Madison, Wisconsin에서 열린 NGPT 2024에서 Best Presentation Award 를 수상하였습니다.
발표논문명: Recovered graphene-hydrogel based triboelectric skins for machine learning optimized multi-mode recognition

About NNL Group
Our lab was established in 2010 fall as Nanostructures and Nanomaterials Laboratory (NNL) and leading by Prof. Dukhyun Choi (Ph.D in 2006, Postech) who is an expert in nanomechanics, nanoplasmonics, and ...
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Join our Group
We are looking for passionate graduate, and undergraduate students who are highly interested in nanostructures & nanomaterials and their applications in renewable energy, bioengineering, and flexible nanoelectronics.
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